A Merry Texan Christmas (The Prentice Brothers of Sweet Ridge Book 3) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Heather Bass

A Merry Texan Christmas (Prentice Brothers of Sweet Ridge, #3)A Merry Texan Christmas by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have read a few books from this author and she continues to blow my mind. This is the third book of the Prentice brothers of Sweet Ridge series. It could be read as a stand alone but there are previous characters in this story as well. I love a good Christmas story but this author exceeded all my expectations. I was so excited to read this book I stopped everything and started to read it immediately. It only took a few hours to devour this incredible book.

Trey Prentice is now living in his hometown for good. He has decided that it was time to retire from baseball. Trey is loving his new life as a bookstore owner. He loves Christmas so much he decides to do some window decorating. Trey is so happy that the whole town loves his window except Miss Christmas,Maggie Watson. He didn’t want to make her mad. Trey and Maggie are asked to work together but can they put their differences aside? When they get to know each other will they find a miracle they thought was never possible, love?

Review by @heatherbass
View all my reviews

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