Key to Tirumfall (The Tirumfall Trilogy Book 3) by J Drew Brumbaugh – Review by Kerry Carr

Key to Tirumfall (Tirumfall Trilogy #3)Key to Tirumfall by J. Drew Brumbaugh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in the Tirumfall Trilogy and I enjoyed it just as much as the first two books in the series. The characters are well written and the worlds are well described that you can imagine them. Because of this you don’t necessarily need to read the first two books as its a strong book on its own and easy to follow. However I would say reading the books in order will really bring the story together.

Gwen  is on the hunt for the Tower of Tirumfall. There is secret powers hidden inside that will make her become the best wizard ever. Before she leaves on her quest her parents break the news to her that she was kidnapped as a baby and that her parents were evil with her dad being a demon. With this new knowledge Gwen  sets out to find the tower but if she finds it how will the magic affect her. Will she be good or will her evil side take over.

Isabella was raised on the other side of the mountain with the demons and evil beings. She believes she is a child of prophecy but when she realises this isn’t true she sets out to find who she really is.

Both woman journeys lead them to each other but on their way the face things that somethings risk their lives. Can someone born evil overcome their instincts and be good? What secrets are hidden in the Tower and will they help or destroy the persons seeking it.

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