Rebecca Remains by Jessica Aiken Hall – Review by Amanda Kimble

Rebecca RemainsRebecca Remains by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Rebecca Remains by Jessica Aiken Hall

Tessa is married and happy with her life. Well she was until her sister told her something. She then starts to notice that her husband may not be who she thinks.

Tessa is getting visits from the dead and it’s only one dead person. Rebecca. Keith’s dead wife. The quote I chose for Tessa is: “No, well, yes, but only in my dreams. The night before I saw you last, I had a dream where she was in all of our photos together, and then you showed me the stories online, and it was her. I had no idea who this woman was before, but she has been coming to me in dreams since I moved into Keith’s house.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Crime lovers.

View all my reviews

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