Love Between the Lines by A.D. Brazeau – Review by Sherry Combs Sharpnack

Love Between the LinesLove Between the Lines by A.D. Brazeau
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I don’t often read romances, but this romance was intriguing: how could I not like a story about a romance writer who hasn’t experienced any romance in the two years after a bad break-up? And this book has one of the greatest opening lines EVER: “Under the Sheets was always a good time.”
Well, we’re off with a bang! Or — maybe Marlowe wasn’t referring to what I thought she was referring to…
Marlowe Bennet is a romance writer w/ a serious lack of romance in her life. She is a successful romance novelist who has two great friends in her sister Lucy and best friend Iris, a fellow romance writer. Marlowe is content w/ her friends, her two cats, and just wants to live in her sweats, write her books, and hide from her anxiety disorder. But then she runs into the hunky Heath Rochester, a cover model for romance novels (like Fabio?) w/ whom she’d shared a few steamy kisses a year before. It turns out Heath has a surprising career outside of modeling that perfectly compliments Marlowe’s own career. Undeniable sexual chemistry and fate ensue.
Again, this isn’t a typical romance as it doesn’t follow the usual trope of girl-meets-boy, snogs boy, then contrived misunderstandings force them apart. I like that we get a view of strong female friendships, and some sparkling repartee between the characters. For all these reasons, I give the book a solid four stars.

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