The Sun at Twilight (Empire at Twilight Book 4) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Tausha Treadway

The Sun at Twilight (Empire at Twilight #4)The Sun at Twilight by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Sun at Twilight (Empire at Twilight Book 4) by N.L. Holmes. I have absolutely loved this series which shocks me because this is not my favorite genre. I have loved every book a little more than the one before. This one was just as amazing as the others. This one takes place during the Hittite Empire and where Tudhaliya IV is the ruler and he wants to shake things up a bit. He doesn’t want to listen to the Royal Advisors and wants to take the Kingdom in an entirely different direction. He seems to be more forgiving and not as harsh as previous rulers but his enemies see that as a weakness. This sign of weakness causes his cousin who is more like a brother Kurunta to challenge the Throne. Will Tudahaliya lose his Kingdom along with his cousin/friend or will he be able to change the way things have always been?

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