Two Hearts, One Stone by Leslie Scott – Review by Heather Bass

Two Hearts, One Stone (Boots and Babies)Two Hearts, One Stone by Leslie Scott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first book that I have read by this author and now she has a new fan. I love a good cowboy romance but this author exceeded all my expectations. These characters hooked me into their story right from the beginning. I could not put this book down until the end. It only took me a few hours to devour this amazing story. I can’t wait to see what this author will write next.

Stone Dempsey is your typical cowboy that can have any girl he wants. He loves training horses. Stone meets the beautiful Emmy Cole. She is not like all the other ladies at all. Emmy is a pediatrician and she loves her job and she knows a playboy when she sees one. When Stone’s sister drops off a sick baby he has to learn how to be an adult really fast. He also can’t get the beautiful doctor out of his mind but is there something more? Will Stone be able to get the girl and be a good parent to his niece or will it be all too much for this cowboy?

review by @heatherbass

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