Blue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Blue Summer Part OneBlue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book by all means was freaking amazing. I wasnt sure what to expect going into it, But the thought of being intriigued was defiently there, I got into it and got a good feel for the premise. I honestly felt as I read on I was no longer in my world I stand in, The writng was so capitviating it had taken me to to a different world.

Its a every easy read I would say once I got started. The characters were so easy to connect iwth. The story takes you literally to another world and I really felt I was there I sad to see the book end, The characters known as the Zayad, were truly remarkable. The book had romance, actiion, fantasy, What was not to love!

This is something I would defientely re-read! I highly reccomend you take a transport and read this book and see the world Im speaking of 🙂

View all my reviews

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