Forged by Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops, book 3) by Amy McKinley – Review by Jo Frizzell

Forged by Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops, #3)Forged by Secrets by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story was fabulous. The backstory for the main character was heartbreaking and made me hurt for her. The way she wrote the secondary characters made me feel like I knew them all, and made me want to be a part of their life. The suspense and romance were seamlessly intertwined and really showed their relationship as so authentic. She did such an amazing job with all the characters, but especially with the internal conflict of the main character. She had so much going on in her mind and was so independent, but knew she needed help and was okay asking for it from someone she knew she could trust. Their relationship was so sweet but so realistic and they’re the type of couple that would be relentlessly teased (good-naturedly) about how cute they are.

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