Mariekkela: From Finland, with Love by Stu Ledwith – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Mariekkela: From Finland, with LoveMariekkela: From Finland, with Love by Stuart Ledwith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dr Stu Ledwith is back to tell the story of another soul he has encountered, only this time it is from a dream he had every night between the ages of ten and seventeen, it was a very vivid dream of a young soldier as he spent time with the woman he loves, that is until he is shot by another soldier and dies. He never thought much about this dream until recently because of the pandemic changing the life around him and allowing him the time for meditation and self-reflection. It has allowed him to focus on it and allow the soul of Mariekkela to approach him and tell her story.

The dream always followed the same path, he is a Finnish soldier fighting in the Finnish-Russian war and he is spending time with Mariekkela and some others in a sauna near a military checkpoint, then one day, the sauna is attacked by Russian soldiers when he is killed while trying to retrieve his rifle. This book tells of Mariekkela’s life after the attack and how she dealt with her fiance’s death, it is not a book for the faint of heart, however, reading the story puts life in perspective as you see the conditions of life at the time and time and how those around her rallied around and helped her is an emotional but rewarding read which will make enchant and engage you until the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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