Twisted Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops Book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Tina Vega

Twisted Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops #1)Twisted Secrets by Amy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It has been a while since I read romantic suspense. I actually felt a little jumpy after this read. I love the main characters in this story as well as the secondary characters. My heart bled for the heroine. I felt every emotion and smelled every scent she did. The author did a great job with the descriptions and atmosphere. I thought the way hero/heroine’s situation was a little different in this novel than other romance novels I had read. I enjoyed that change of pace. The plot is fast-moving and imaginative, well developed with twists. Great read!!

Reviewed by @vegatina20

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