Her Blackened Rose (The Blackened Series Book 3) by Isra Sravenheart – Review by Crystal Jimmo

Her Blackened Rose (Blackened #3)Her Blackened Rose by Isra Sravenheart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In book 3 you see Astrid and Irsa again. Only this time a little different. After book 2 Irsa has changed a little. She’s not the same witch as from before. There’s something different about her.

You see a different side of Astrid this time. You still see him as Isras constant companion, and lover , but you see something completely different. Almost possessive.
I was glad to see more from his perspective and more about his history! They both prevail over their monsters and it’s not over yet! I can’t wait to read more about Isra!!!

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