A Divided Mind (The Divided Series Book 1) by M. Billiter – Review by Natasha Hlinka

A Divided MindA Divided Mind by M. Billiter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As someone who lives with mental illness everyday I really liked that Billiter had the story in two points of view and then in three. Showing the story from the mother, Tara’s point of view and the son, Branson’s point of view, who actually has the mental illness. Then they throw in Trevor’s point of view which I think adds a lot more dimension to the story! Reading what Branson is going through and how tough it is on his mom really shows that when someone has mental illness they aren’t the only ones that it effects. Even though it might effect them the most it has an effect on everyone they love. As the story goes on it’s interesting to see how Branson’s mental illness develops and how he’s been dealing with it for so long. Also, the ending kind of reminded me of the movie Split, it was just the ending though the rest of the story was all it’s own it even talks about a different mental illness than Split. I think it’s important that more people are aware of mental illnesses, how many there actually are, and how it really effects the person and the people around them. I think this book is perfect for people to kind of know how it might effect peoples lives even though it’s fiction it’s a perfect book to kind of get an idea and kind of a stepping stone if you want to learn more.

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