THE MARCY SERIES BOXSET: BOOKS 1-3 by Linda J. Burson – Review by Naomi McDonald

The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3The Marcy Series Box Set: Books 1-3 by Linda Burson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This box set includes the first three books from this series (which at the time of this review, the series has thirteen books total).
An important thing you have to know going into this is that our subconscious mind operates behind the scenes 24/7 and exerts influence over every aspect of our daily life. When you read these books with that understanding, you can truly grasp what is happening with Marcy.
From the context of understanding how our brain influences us without us consciously being aware of it, you can see how behavior is actually communication. I think this is the key concept in getting the most out of these stories.
I enjoyed reading these books. They evoke a lot of emotional response and worm their way into your head so you find yourself thinking about them even when you’re not reading.

View all my reviews

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