The Third Nanny (Secrets of Redemption) by Michele PW (Pariza Wacek) – Review by Charlene Yates

The Third NannyThe Third Nanny by Michele Pariza Wacek
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Third Nanny
Whoa! Hold up a minute. What just happened? Those statements and questions were exactly what I was saying throughout the book. Talk about a thriller, “thriller” puts it mildly in the aspect of keeping you on your edge if you’re a guesser so to speak. As a reader I like to guess the actions and the ending plot of books but Wacek kept me twisting in my chair so to speak. It isn’t a horror book, or terribly scary. It does have a creeper factor that raises hair on your neck when reading parts of “The Third Nanny”. This book called to me and called to me and didn’t lose my focus which is always a good sign of a good writer that knows how and when to capture it’s readers. I didn’t like the ending but that’s to everyone’s taste honestly, I mean if we didn’t like it then phooey on us, because it isn’t like we wrote the book its preference. The ending is great I just wanted more, I wanted to be left with more I crave more. I will be reading more from this author!

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