Priscida Finds Greatness by Constance Mays

🌼 .•°*°•.🌼 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 🌼 .•°*°•.🌼
Priscida Finds Greatness by Constance Mays
Genre – kids, family, self help
Page Count – 42 pages
Cover Designer – Xlibris publisher
Priscida is a simple but smart alley cat who learns about greatness. Some of her events are based on real events. You can decide which ones are real! Enjoy Priscida Finds Greatness and see greatness in yourself and in others. Her story is based on the Lao Tzu saying, “Great acts are made up of small deeds”. It is hoped that the reader will learn and apply this while seeing through the eyes of this whimsical cat. Priscida comes to realize she is great and there are great people around her. If you read it out loud, pretend you are Priscida! Mimic her expressions and posture. Make the noises she would make. Make a personal greatness list and post it where you can see it every day. Practice daily affirmation by saying “I am great. Go be great today”. Most of all, persevere and see greatness in little acts.


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Constance lives in Maryland near her son and daughter. Constance had a successful career as a pioneer in mainframe software marketing. She won several Awards for Marketing Excellence from the Information Technology Association and was recognized by Computerworld for her advertising integrity. With Prescida Finds Greatness, Constance is launching a career writing and illustrating meaningful stories for children which teach a life lesson. Each story will introduce a special word and an affirmation which reinforces that lesson. Her hope is for you and your family to enjoy this book about defining greatness in each person, how to achieve it and embracing your greatness.





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