The Web of Humanity by Maria Turchin – Review by M Policicchio

The Web of Humanity: A NovelThe Web of Humanity: A Novel by Maria Turchin

The Web of Humanity by Maria Turchin

4 out of 5 Stars

Anna Venu was given a mystery to solve. It was one that she didn’t want but decided to accept at the urgence of her grandfather. Find out who her grandmother really was.

Anna knew the family stories. Now using the stories and clues she finds in pictures, documents and from people she meets along the way, Anna discovers not only who her grandmother was but the story behind the secrets. Anna finds family, friends and love along the way. The journey to discover who her grandmother was led to her own self-discoveries.

The author weaves a brilliant tale of mystery with history, intermingling the past, the present, and intrigue. The parallels between the different factions of yesterday and today can’t be denied. Spectacular story!

View all my reviews
The Web of Humanity, Maria Turchin, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, HISTORICAL, WOMEN’S FICTION

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