Thief of Magic (Shadowed Minds Book 1) by Bree Moore – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

Thief of Magic (Shadowed Minds, #1)Thief of Magic by Bree Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thief of Magic is the first book in the Shadowed Minds series. I thoroughly enjoyed this fantasy adventure and look forward to continuing to read the series!
Lee, the protagonist, has powers which are strongest when she is in liminal spaces. Empty laundromats, museums after hours and other such places turn up a lot in this book. It makes for a wonderful, mysterious urban fantasy world.
This book features an exciting cast of characters with different powers. All their powers have downsides as well, and I like the extent to which this book explores the cost of magic. For example, Sam (one of my favourites!) can see people’s intentions, but this means he struggles to go out in public where he is overwhelmed by the information he gets from everyone around him.
There are plenty of complications in this book. Everyone wants different things and few, if any, are fully trustworthy. There are mysteries galore, which keep readers turning the pages.
This book gets five stars from me! I’d recommend it to fans of urban fantasy and magical heists. This is a very promising start to the series!

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