Wild Hare’s Daughter (Wild Hares) by Laura Koerber

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Wild Hare’s Daughter (Wild Hares) by Laura Koerber
Genre – magical realism, dystopia, family relationships
Page Count – 234 pages

My mother would never tell me who my dad was, but I found out anyway. In a town of only eight hundred people, most of them not in the right age range to be my dad, how hard was it going to be?
That was back before I started flying. I was obsessed with wondering who Daddy Dear was until random incidences of spontaneous levitation changed my perspective.
So…before I started flying, I thought the militia was just a bunch of assholes who were spreading rumors about magic to cover up their incompetence, but once I started flying, I saw things differently. Flying meant that magic was real, and therefore it was logical that magic was involved in the jail break and the congressman’s disappearance. And that meant I was not the only one who had magic. Someone else in my town had magic too.
This book is a dystopia/magical realism novel set in the near future. There’s some political satire, some swearing, some recreational drug use, some crime, but mostly it’s a story about trust, secrets, and love.




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I live on a island in the Puget Sound with my husband and my dogs. I am a retired teacher, presently doing in -home care for disabled people while volunteering at a dog rescue

My degree is in art, and I am a painter, graphic artist, and ceramic sculptor. The writing started about five years ago, a surprise to me and everyone who knows me, since I had never written anything before.

The review for my first book in Kirkus Review: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-re…

I think I learned to write by reading. I am a voracious omnivore of books.






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