Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Kerry Carr

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a very unique murder mystery. I haven’t read a book like this before and I was completely captivated with the story. The characters are amazingly written and they completely come to life. What i love about this book is how it flips from modern day to historical and how the twists see the past meeting the present.

Tess love vintage clothes. Every time she touches something she is transported back to that time having visions about the person who owned that item.
When she dresses up in clothes for a celebration party the vision she has is of the young woman and her murder. Now wanting to unravel the mystery and get the full story Tess sets out to find the truth. Was the young woman murdered by her husband? Did he then take his life because of that? Or was someone else involved in the murder?
Can a crime committed over 100 years ago finally be solved and the ghosts of shame finally laid to rest.

View all my reviews

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