Until There Was You by G. Colgrove – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Until there was youUntil there was you by G. Colgrove
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am a first time reader for this author, this book was so darn addictive. I could not let this book be put down for even a second. I loved how addictive the story was, and how connectable the characters were. I was amazed, intrigued, and of course head over heels in love with the story this book held!

This book was a romance story that was completely different from past books that I have read. I loved how good the story was even when it was first developing. It was a deep and passionate and had the right amount of hot sauce that kept my senses tingling, and my emotions up to par when ever needed. It had everything. I loved how things went with this book and the story of Jeremy and Regan. they had that whirl wind romance, but with every strong wind, it is going to calm down. I loved how these two souls were faced with challenges, and literally, was at risk at losing everything, and it for sure seemed easier to walk away. My emotions were all over the place when reading, from happiness to anything less than joy. I could not put this book down, it held me good, and kept me interested, there was a lot turns here and there, and I had to keep reading to see what would develop next. Amazing hot read. Loved it so much!

This was such a good book. I loved how the story went, and the characters were so realistic, I felt this was all happening in real life. The book did not take me long to finish, before I knew it, I reached the final page and the final words. Just wow! Amazing read and very highly recommendation from me! A must read!

View all my reviews

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