Plague of Death (Anchoress Series Book 2) by D.L. Armillei – Review by Amy Brennan

Plague of Death (Anchoress, #2)Plague of Death by D.L. Armillei
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having not read anything by this author before, I was quite excited to start down this new path of authors to be discovered when I happened upon this series. Let me tell you, she did not disappoint at all. I am very glad that I read the first installment, however, new characters are introduced, and character building continues throughout these novels as the adventures rage on. To me, it appears that there are lots of lessons to be learned through the main character, Van’s explorations and missions, not only for her, but for the reader as well, and it was mind-boggling, to say the least, how this author has us digging deeper into our own self while on the edge of our seats waiting to see what happens next.

There was a lot more action in this installment, for sure, yet we still have time for more romantic connections to be made. Not only that, but Brux remains a great character and protector of Van, and along with Paley, would do anything to help Van navigate the ups and downs that come with being a young Anchoress. Getting to explore more of their world was so much fun, and I can say that I won’t stop now, and can openly admit that this is one series that I will be reading over, and over again as new installments are added. Onto the next adventure! Highly recommend!

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