The Last Cabin Girl (Detective Josie Thompson Series) by Tom Swyers – Review by Amanda Swindle

The Last Cabin Girl: A totally gripping thriller full of twistsThe Last Cabin Girl: A totally gripping thriller full of twists by Tom Swyers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A very fast read, and one that you will want to read cover to cover in one sitting. Josie has filed divorce from her abusive husband and having a hard time with life in general. Things are not made any easier since she was also bullied throughout her school days, and now comes the Pandemic. Secrets are being kept, and things are hush hush when Josie discovers a body in the river near her home. But, this is not the first time she has had this happen. In fact, that was the source of her bullying throughout school. You see, Josie reported a body in a river in middle school. A body that was never found. Now things look a little bit suspicious, as finding TWO bodies is not exactly common. Who can she trust? Is it coincidence that she has found two bodies? Are they related? If so, who is involved, and why? And why is she the target and interest for something she has nothing to do with? All are questions that will be answered! I really enjoyed the way you can easily relate (as a reader) to the main character as she is thrown into the Covid 19 uncertainty, among her already deteriorating life. I loved Josie’s resiliency and ability to take things on at face value, even when the cards were stacked against her. I loved this one, and will surely be seeking out more from this author.

Reviewed by @zoltrixes

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