A Tormented Man’s Soul Part 1 (Grimm Wolves MC Series Book 5) by D.M. Earl – Review by Lisa Helmick

A Tormented Man's Soul (Grimm Wolves MC Book #5)A Tormented Man’s Soul by D.M. Earl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WOW! Intense is the word I would use to describe this story! I would also say it is a bit dark, devious and shows the heart of family and friends. There are very powerful emotions that are felt by the characters as well as the reader. I devoured this book in record time and now am eagerly awaiting the continuation.

The characters are deep and we get a look at their pasts and present. Chains had me in agony for him more than once and I did tear up. I enjoyed the viewpoints, thoughts and feelings from others either in the MC or people they come across. It really shows how endless the love is in this story.

I have mixed feelings about the female of the triad. I am hoping she redeems herself and grows a backbone in the second half. She just seemed very wimpy but maybe i am missing something. She doesn’t need to be hard, just not so much crying, maybe some strength. That is my only negative critique about the story.

As stated above I am looking forward to seeing what happens. I would recommend starting this series at the beginning as it has a continuous story run throughout all books. It is worth it…trust me!

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