Class Clown (Ghost Girl Series) by Allan Evans – Review by Ashley McMillon

Class ClownClass Clown by Allan Evans
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Abbey is the most lovable quirky character in this breathtaking novel about these scary clowns. This book was a really fun read, and as a girl COMPLETELY AFRAID of the movie IT, I am taken aback by this fact. I have been reading many types of books lately, including books about the history of racism…so I was not afraid while reading this book. I recommend not picturing what is going on to deeply, this certainly kept me safe while reading this entire book. The author is fantastic at telling the story, so much so I read all the way through to the acknowledgements, and it did not disappoint. The great thing about this book is it felt so realistic and haunting, and you truly believe Abbey, and feel like this could happen to you if you had this hidden strength she possesses. Here is another book on my highly recommended list of reads. I will say this, I am SUPER happy I did not see this in a movie, though it is movie worthy. I promise myself I won’t even try to see it in the theaters! Happy reading everyone!

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