Until There Was You by G. Colgrove – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

Until there was youUntil there was you by G. Colgrove
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Who doesn’t dream of moving from a small town and making their dreams come true? Regan, who has just recently graduated high school, dreams of bigger and better things. While working her shift at the diner she waits on a table of executives. The youngest of the bunch, who we come to find out is Jeremy Stone, catches her eye. After seeing how little she was left as a tip she’s caught saying a few choice words when Jeremy walks back in to make sure she got the tip she deserved. From there things seems to move rather quickly and before we know it they are exclusively seeing each other. What will happen when Jeremy’s lease is the city is up? He isn’t a permanent resident in Boston after all. Will she wind up getting too attached and have her heart broken?

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