The Cruiser (The Hustlers Trilogy Book 1) by Rowan Rossler – Review by YellowTulips11

The Cruiser (The Hustlers Trilogy, #1)The Cruiser by Rowan Rossler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Never judge a book by it’s cover, right? Well, the cover of The Cruiser by Rowan Rossler is what instantly pulled me in and made this an insta click!

I’ve always dreamed of visiting Monaco, so I was immediately pulled into the storyline as we follow Vandana to paradise to escape the emotional bomb that was just dropped on her. She thought she had the perfect life, until it evaporated and left her questioning whether it was ever really real. She throws herself into her work and despite the changes in her life, is determined to not let it bring her down. She is strong, feisty and resilient. As she meet’s the incredibly sexy yacht designer she is now working for she finds just the distraction she needed. Morgan is gorgeous and intriguing and introduces Vandana to a world and life she never imagined! The chemistry between the two is off the charts. I cannot wait to see where this series takes us next. I’m buckled up and ready for the wild adventure to continue!

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