Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Beverly Finnie

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I thoroughly enjoyed Distant Heart Sounds, but if I’m being honest, it took a few chapters to get into it. The author has written a wonderful book with all kinds of emotions, happiness, fear, anger, humor etc. I actually laughed out loud at different points throughout. So if you give it a try, don’t give up on it. It’s so worth pushing through because once you get into it, trust me when I say you will be caught. Hook line and sinker.. lol
So we meet Morgan, a nurse at Good Samaritan Hospital. Who is just returning to work 3 weeks after having life saving brain surgery. Little did she know how much that event was going to change her life. She begins to experience things that she can’t explain. Waking up to a party going on in her house, yet there’s no one there. Experiencing strange smells in different situations. Seeing patients’ essence leave their body as they pass on. And so much much more. Unfortunately she seems to be questioning her sanity, she’s adamant that she knows what she saw but knows if anyone finds out they may think she’s crazy.
Savannah, Morgan’s boss and dear friend, notices Morgan is not herself and is beginning to worry. After confronting her about it Morgan brings her into a world like no other. One that they begin to experience together, that blows even the reader’s minds.
Then there’s Caleb, person of interest, new doctor on staff. He’s mysterious, handsome, and very confident with himself. Caleb is also very drawn to Morgan.
Will it go anywhere? Well pick it up, download it, whatever you have to do to jump into this world the author created. You won’t want to miss the adventure the characters end up on that’s for sure.


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