No Pistol Tastes the Same (PTSD Disaster Book 1) by Jacob Paul Patchen – Review by Sarah King

No Pistol Tastes the SameNo Pistol Tastes the Same by Jacob Paul Patchen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just because you make it home from the battlefield does not mean the war is over. While this particular solider may be fiction his story is just one example of the horrors and struggles one with PTSD may face. Patchen brings this story to life in a way that makes your heart strings pull, your eyes water, and has your mind struggling to process. In the story, Sgt. JP Grimm has physically returned from war, but in many ways he is still in that desert. Grimm struggles to mentally. He plays what if, if I had done this differently, self loathes, struggles with survivors guilt as well as adapting back to home life. One moment he is home then with one sound, shadow, movement, he is right back in the war. The struggles faced as a result of his PTSD affect more than himself. It influences relationships with family, friends and himself. Self medicating is just one of the ways Grimm attempts to cope. Will he get the help and support he needs? Or just me another example of the glaring lack of support faced?

Hands down this story is worth reading. It is a well thought out, realistic glimpse into just one of the many common contributors to PTSD. The thought provoking story line that puts you through the ringer. Patchen did an amazing job bringing the characters to life. While it did take me a moment to get into the story once I was in, I was in. This book brings more light to the issues many people still face today.

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