Enemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by Cheyenne Huffman

Enemies of DovesEnemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Enemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm Review

4 out of 5 stars

Told in alternating timelines from World War II to 1992, Enemies of Doves is a tale of family secrets, jealousy and deception.

It wasn’t how we were born or raised that made us the men we are today. It was what happened that day that set the rest of our lives in motion


Shanessa Gluhm delivers a powerhouse of a novel! Spanning over the course of 60 years and divided into two timelines you follow the story of two brothers, Clancy and Joel, harboring a deep secret. One that changes the course of their lives forever.

This book is packed with action, family drama, and lots of unexpected twists. With fleshed out characters and a plot line that will leave you flipping pages (and ignoring life until it’s done) this book easily gets 4/5 stars from me.

It was a quick paced read and the way the characters were developed made the story that much more interesting to read. I really enjoyed the many twists and the alternate timelines it added such depth to the story and kept me interested in knowing what happens.

If you’re a fan of historical fiction, thrillers and drama this will be your kind of book. I highly recommend giving this author a try!

View all my reviews

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