Love is Worth Fighting for (The Meraki Series Book 3) by Effie Kammenou – Review by Jules Herbert

Love is Worth Fighting forLove is Worth Fighting for by Effie Kammenou
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The story of Krystina and Loukas is full of emotion and what at first seems very much to be a love hate relationship but it truly is deeply felt love and even though it goes through many twists and turns I was left feeling that it truly will stand the test of time. If you have read the previous books in this series you will be happy to know we find out more about the amazing Yiayia and if you haven’t read the other books well, what are you waiting for? Get reading now!! Krystina and Loukas go through a lot especially for such young people but they show us all what we are truly capable of when we are tested and love bonds us.

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