Love is Worth Fighting for (The Meraki Series Book 3) by Effie Kammenou – Review by Tausha Treadway

Love is Worth Fighting for (Meraki, #3)Love is Worth Fighting for by Effie Kammenou
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love is Worth Fighting for (The Meraki Series Book 3) by Effie Kammenou. This is such a good frenemies romance. It’s Krystina’s story and she is beating herself up for falling in love with the boy who has been a pain in her butt for years. Loukas (Luke) has been in love with Krystina for as long as he remember. Krystina writes a blog and all she wants to do is travel the world and promote her blog and become famous on Instagram. With Luke following her all around (he’s working with her) its not turning out as fun as she thought. He’s always been right under her feet driving her crazy. As they spend more and more time together and she sees him helping her in her search for her grandfather she sees a new side of him. Will they be able to make a relationship work and will she be able to get the answers she needs about her grandfather? This is one of my favorites in the series!

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