Tale of a Body Thief (Rovena Silvex Book 1) by Kristy Centeno – Review by Mercedes Jones

Tale of a Body Thief (Rovena Silvex chronicles Book 1)Tale of a Body Thief by Kristy Centeno
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rovena has the coolest job in the world! She hunts demons! She also has special abilities that some of the other Hunters don’t, which gives her an advantage. Her job gets turned upside down when she is tasked with watching over a body that was originally in the morgue. Never before has she seen such an occurrence. Turns out the body is no longer inhabited by the original soul and now houses a demon. Rovena must keep him alive until they know what is going on. More demons are coming to Earth than ever before, something isn’t right in the underworld. Can she do this job correctly or will all Hell break lose, literally?
This was such a fun read! This book kept me entertained and wanting to find out what happened next.

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