The Vilification of Aqua Marine by Megan Mackie – Review by Ashley McMillon

The Vilification of Aqua Marine (Working Mask, #1)The Vilification of Aqua Marine by Megan Mackie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The vilification of aqua marine caught my eye by the author, and the cover art! I honestly thought this book just by looking at it would be for a young adult audience, but I enjoyed the story right from the start…and I’m from the higher end of Generation Y! I love to stuff right into a book. If course I do a little reading of the intro to spark my interest, but many times it takes a little while before I can start to read it and by then it’s all brand new. I was literally in awe at super hero/villain style of the characters. The author starts you off with instant shock in the initial chapters, and just when you think that was enough, you start to meet family members, villians, attend events, etc. This makes for great character development! I loved seeing how aqua marine decides her fate with every turn off the story. This story is very enjoyable and a nice lighter read for me! I’m looking forward to more books in the working masks series!

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