Shake Down (First Coast Thriller Book 1) by Armand Rosamilia – Review by Angela Shirley

Shake Down (First Coast Thriller Series)Shake Down by Armand Rosamilia
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Clayton is lost at the moment, with his life as he knows it gone, losing his family and job as a police officer to his gambling addiction is there ever a way to get back on the right track. Until he gets a job with Jimmy within the Repo business until things start becoming weird and people are going missing.

Can Clayton get back his life and find out what is going on when people start going missing and he tries to help the local force, will he put himself and his family in the middle of something he can’t get out of.

This is the first book I have read by this author and have to say I pleasantly surprised with the story and the drama written with the pages. The characters are well developed and drive the story as the twists and turns adds to the overall intensity of the story.

I love a good flawed character trying to make good and Clayton is up there with the best, the way he is trying to get back his family and trying to resolve some his past is brilliant to read and you are invested from the first chapter as he is a likable rogue. The secondary characters complete the story and drive through to make you want to keep turning the pages to read what will happen next.

I definitely recommend this book and would love to read more of this series and the author in the future.

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