Operation Pinpoint (Space Force Rejects Book 1) by Landra Graf – Review by Stephanie Chapman

Operation PinpointOperation Pinpoint by Landra Graf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ravenna has to be in the search and rescue team of Perseus. After getting Admiral Penchant to assign her to the team, he then drops the bomb that she will be under Captain Rothschild’s command. She follows the order. She has to find her love, Yve. Yve was one scientist on the missing ship and the only light in Ravenna’s life. When she arrives at the Mothership Prisoner Holding Facility, she meets up with Rothschild, Kuchi, and two other commandos. The deputies bring in a yellow-eyed Hirudan Tracker and release him. They gave the huge tracker a human prisoner, causing everyone but Ravenna to feel terrified. They give Ravenna a termination code to a chip embedded in Dravos. If Dravos becomes uncontrollable, the code would kill him. Having fed, Dravos is willing to go and Ravenna leads him to the ship. Ravenna feels odd around Dravos, and the feeling is mutual. When they find Perseus, a message comes across. Ravenna and Dravos are searching the ship. Everyone still aboard the ship is dead, including Yve. Rothschild announces he is going to blow up the ship to finally get rid of Ravenna. Dravos saves Ravenna into an escape pod despite her desperate attempt to die alongside Yve. A jolt shows that a larger ship has locked onto the pod. Is it Rothschild? Is it an enemy space alien who wants to kill or eat them?

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