After She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson – Review By Lorrene Huisman

After She Became a LadyAfter She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book! It really painted a picture that sometimes what we want, is not what we truly wanted. As much as we thought, The story was interesting, with danger, and an unknowing fate.

I really came to love this book and very much enjoy the writing of this author! Laurel was a wonderful character. Felt for her. She married for love, and was whisked away in what should be a fairy tale. With her new husband’s sister, it was anything but that. I found danger was at almost every turn for her, her husband felt in the middle. Laurel wanted to live the life she wanted, not live in fear. I was pulled all the way through. I saw a lot of character development with Laurel. The ending….holy moly. I need answers now! I was pulled in and was held to the end. This book was hard to put down!

I really enjoyed the author’s writing style and use of descriptive words. I really felt I was in the historical era! The book was a must read, as well as the author, and I very much highly recommend it!

View all my reviews

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