Cooked: The Chef Blows Her Lid by Cari Schaeffer – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Cooked: The Chef Blows Her LidCooked: The Chef Blows Her Lid by Cari Schaeffer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An enjoyable and engaging romance, which kept me happily turning the pages late into the night. Chef Olivia is twenty nine and professionally is doing well, but personally, things are not so great. Having to deal with a cheating husband, a husband stealing ex-friendship, a nagging mother, and nepotism at work, Olivia thinks it’s time for a change. Just as everything is falling apart, Olivia decides to open her own business, she’s just thankful for her friends. Entering the glamorous business world of sleepless nights, over working, drunken guests, gossipy clients, those wanting freebies, and networking groups, Olivia has to balance everything on her plate in order to make a go of her new business. The storyline flowed well and has a mix of crazy characters in it, who all bring something different to the story. I loved Olivia as she’s a very likeable and relatable main character, and I was really cheering her on!

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