Ice Dance by Vik Azeem – Review by Amanda Haller-Doris

Ice DanceIce Dance by Vik Azeem
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was definitely not sure what to expect when I decided to read this book, but I am very happy I did! I thought the author did a great job of keeping the book grounded in reality, while also adding in fantasy piece in a way that felt realistic. I absolutely adored the relationship between Hassan and his niece Kassia, they had a cute relationship and their interactions were always fun, even when there was danger present. I thought that the relationships between all of the characters were well written and getting to see the character development in Hassan and Yasmine was awesome to see. The title of the book did confuse me initially, but after reading the story and getting to see the significance between Hassan and Yasmine, I thought it was a very sweet title. I definitely couldn’t put the book down and if you like fantasy, action, and a lot if humor, this is a great book!

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