Operation Blackbird (Brass Compass Series Book 2) by Ellen Butler – Review by Ashley Cooper Hammontree

Operation BlackbirdOperation Blackbird by Ellen Butler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Operation Blackbird is a thrilling adventure sequence, similar yet vastly separate to its partner story The Brass Compass. Following the intelligent Miriam who struggles with war nerves from gut wrenching memories of the war, and Jake Devlin, an old friend from her past that brings more than Miriam was expecting to the table. The pair go through their own battles of the mind as they venture through secrecy involving the KGB many years following the destruction of WWII, as well as rescuing each other from past secrets and kidnapping. The amount of historical pieces that went into this story was phenomenal, such as the detail regarding the trauma and severe reality of the effect from the Iron Curtain. I fell into the depths so quickly, it was hard to escape with them! I could not put this book down, and I’m thinking I’ll have to reread it again and again. I’m really hoping Ellen Butler keeps this espionage series going, because my heart can not keep up with only two!!

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