River Witch by Cheryl Burman – Review by Megan Watson

River WitchRiver Witch by Cheryl Burman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

From the very beginning, Hester is a captivating character. Her willful spirit is admirable and she maintains those traits even when she goes through the hard times alone and her situation seems bleak.
The relationship between her and her mentor Aaron grows into something more as he teaches her how to make healing ointments and tinctures through herbal lore like her great grandmother before her once did. Hester’s mother sees this as silly folklore and suspicious witchcraft and tries to steer Hester towards a more “appropriate” craft. When Hester makes choices that have some ruinous consequences regarding the opinion of society, she’s left to face those consequences alone but not as alone as you might think.
There is a mystery throughout this book that leaves you with something to think about once it is finished. I still have questions; and yet, this book goes right into the top 5 of the best witchy vibe books with feminist themes such as self reliance and empowerment that I have ever read.

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