The Hunter (The Freemasons Book 2) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Jennifer Gordon

The Hunter (The Freemasons, #2)The Hunter by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Having read and enjoyed the first book in this series about a group of Freemasons, I was looking forward to this second instalment, and I was not disappointed. In this story, the focus is on Dominic Cacciari, who has sworn to ensure the integrity of the brotherhood of Freemasonry. However, he didn’t think this would include seducing the women who is determined to expose their secrets. Gemma Hughes is an entertainment journalist, and having lost her father under mysterious circumstances, she wants to find those responsible and get justice for her father. When her investigations lead her to the Freemasons, she’s suspicious as her father was once a member.
As soon as Dominic and Gemma meet their chemistry sizzles off the page, and once they touch neither can deny their mutual attraction, even though they both try to resist it. The more time they spend together the more the lines between love and what they are both fighting to protect become blurred. Secrets are threatened to be uncovered and danger lurks for the couple in this enemies to lovers romance. I was hooked from page one, and the plot kept me happily turning the pages well into the night. Although this can be read as a standalone story, I would personally recommend reading the whole series, as each book has been an entertaining and engaging read.

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