The Warrior (The Freemasons Book 3) by Nicole Flockton – Review by Kerry Carr

The Warrior (The Freemasons #3)The Warrior by Nicole Flockton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third book in the Freemasons series and wow. Each book just keeps getting better and better. I do recommend reading these books in order so you get a better understanding for the characters and their stories, but that being said it can be read as a standalone and still be enjoyable.
As with the previous books this one is full of danger, adventure and very steamy romance which keeps the reader hooked.

In this book we follow the story of Jude and Sienna.

The attraction between Jude and Sienna is very strong from the beginning, however with Judes sister still missing he has vowed to not have happiness for himself until she is found safe. However somethings can’t be denied and the feelings and attraction between Sienna and Jude is one of those things.
As things progress in the search for Jude’s sister then finally have a lead. The problem is they need bait and Sienna is the perfect option.
Will Jude put Sienna in danger to save his sister? Will Jude be able to protect her? Will Jude even take the risk of putting Sienna in danger at all even if it means saving his sister?

This was such a good read I read it in one sitting as I couldn’t put it down

View all my reviews

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