Yesterday’s Over (Philly Heat Series Book 3) by Becky Flade – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Yesterday's Over (Philly Heat series, #3)Yesterday’s Over by Becky Flade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Having read and thoroughly enjoyed the previous books in this series, I was looking forward to reading this latest story, and I was not disappointed. Assistant Chief Medical Examiner Trudy Beasley is asked to investigate when bones are discovered in the rubble following a massive explosion that rocked Philadelphia. Trudy is used to being able to provide answers and closure to victims families, but the mystery surrounding the skeletal remains is something she’s never seen before. Her instincts are telling her that whoever was responsible for the deaths may still be loose in the city, and she is determined to get answers.
However, Forensic anthropologist Benjamin Roberts disagrees, and just sees the remains as an academic challenge, and not a legal one. The more time the couple spend together as the investigation progresses, Trudy and Ben’s professional relationship also becomes more of a personal one. As their relationship develops, the pair are in danger, as someone wants the secrets that were buried along with the bones to stay a secret, and is willing to kill again. This was an enjoyable and exciting read, with great characters and a storyline that kept me hooked from start to finish. The characters are so likeable and relatable, that I felt engaged with them, and the chemistry between Trudy and Ben really came across in the narrative. An entertaining romantic suspense novel, which I definitely recommend.

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