Raine Down (The Shadow Guardians Book 1) by CB Samet – Review by Santana Hicks

Raine Down (The Shadow Guardians, #1)Raine Down by C.B. Samet
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Raine is a shadow guardian. Her job is to protect humans from supernatural enemies. Norse Mythology isn’t a myth anymore. Ragnarok happened, causing the nine realms to collapse with only earth its survivor. Other races came to earth causing all kinds of different humans with powers. Raine is a descendant of Thor and she has healing abilities.

Raine’s latest target was supposed to be an easy hit when a FBI agent made the mission go sideways. She had a choice to eliminate her target or rescue the man. She chose the latter.

Will, the FBI agent, is grateful that this mysterious woman saved him but at what cost? She was bleeding like crazy but by the time he brought her to the hospital she was healed. Will was perplexed. He could not get this woman out of his head.

A little while later, the two agencies decide to collaborate causing Raine and Will to be unexpectant partners in this mission. They have to work together and put aside their differences. Will is by the book and Raine will do anything to complete her mission, even kill.

The chemistry is instant between them. There is quickly a sexual tension that neither one suspected. Which makes concentrating solely on the job ever more difficult when they can’t stop picturing the other in their arms.

I loved their relationship. They were very good for each other. Balancing each other out making them even stronger. Will mellowed Raine out while she taught him to broaden his horizons. I found myself wishing they would end up together.

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