Return to Gallanvaig (A Quirk of Destiny Book 2) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Shelly Kittell

Return to Gallanvaig: Beyond A Quirk of DestinyReturn to Gallanvaig: Beyond A Quirk of Destiny by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my stars, the intensity and drama of this story! I absolutely loved it. This book is just as much, if not more, as good as the first book (Quirk of Destiny). The writing is superb. The suspense builds like a thriller movie. You can almost here music building as you are reading. That plot feels so realistic; it almost scares me because it could happen. The elite are out to take control of our world. Honestly, this plot leaves you thinking, a lot about some major issues in our world. The author includes a lot of current topics going on in our current events. The characters are superb. Good guys, bad guys, they all have such detail to them. The interlopers should have been taken out as soon they started causing problems. And that cliffhanger!!!!…..I will be moving on to book 3. I don’t recommend starting anywhere other than book 1 with this trilogy. You must read it if you love suspense/thrills. I would give it more than 5 stars if I could. Wonderfully done.

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