Tink (Devil’s Handmaidens MC Book 1) by D.M. Earl – Review by Christine Baranek

Tink (Devil's Handmaidens MC-Book One)Tink by D.M. Earl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: D.M. Earl

This book focuses on a female MC Club. The Devils Handmaiden MC to be exact. The women in this club are the kind who have lived through hell and are now able to talk about it. Their mission is to save other women from living through their hell.
Tink is the main character and she is the president of the club. She is incredibly strong willed and determined. She would have to be to still be alive. She feels like her life is about to change in a major way. This is when she meets Noodles. They have amazing chemistry that just leaps off the page. However, this isn’t the time for Tink to really settle down. Instead all the businesses affiliated with the club begin to be sabotaged. To make things worse it seems like part of this is an inside job. Which means no one knows who they are able to trust. From there the plot just continues to build.
This is the start of what I am sure is going to be an amazing series. I loved this book and definitely did not want to put it down. If you are looking for a new series to get lost in, I strongly recommend this book.

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