Spellbound Seduction (The Brightley Sisters Book 2 and 1) by Halley Larkin – Review by Paloma Fierro 21/12/2022

Spellbound Seduction

Halley Larkin

Arabella, Bella for family and close friends, is the second daughter of  Lord Cortham, since her sister decided that love conquers all and eloped with her true love the now hostess responsibilities lie in her shoulders.

Once very much in love, Bella lost on an unfortunate night the man of dreams, and suffered through a year of pain and anguish. What she does not know is that destiny has a significant surprise in store for her. 

Thomas Beecham was an almost duke, at least before he decided to fake his own kidnapping and demise. Now he is employed by one of the men his father made fun of by lying and stealing, in order to pay the debt. A year under the thump of this man will grant him liberty, but oh destiny will make him a low play when he finds out once again the woman of his dreams.



Midnight Masquerade

Halley Larkin

Charmaine Brightley is the eldest daughter of Lord Cortham, and it is her responsibility and duty to save the state from her cousin, a male that will take the title after her dad dies, since as a woman it is not possible for her to have it. Begin a practical woman she will set up a marriage of convenience, for love is an unnecessary luxury. She helps those women in precarious situations by assembling games in her parlor, but she must do so under secrecy and discretion for the London society does not approve of this kind of behavior. Destiny has in store for her a night full of unexpected turns where love is not a luxury but a necessity.   

Duke Konstantin “Kosta” Rostov, once a powerful russian lord now resides in London after causing a stir in his homeland. Guided by his manfull thoughts about how women are to love them  and leave them, he does not believe in love as a practical feeling, even less of a specific woman to attach to it. Oh but life has its turns and twists, and in a fortunate night the way he sees this will change forever.



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