A Dowry of Snails and Mud by Brittany Tucker – Review by Carrie Reed

A Dowry of Snails and MudA Dowry of Snails and Mud by Brittany Tucker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loved this story! The way Rhia thinks of herself, I felt like she was horrendous looking, but Emerys thinks he is the most beautiful girl and I fell in love with their relationship. I can’t really fault Rhia for being so mean and stand offish towards Emerys in the beginning, she is only sixteen and is newly married, what girl is thinking of getting married at that age! Watching them learn more about each other, and their hopes and dreams for the future of their kingdom is sweet, and both are extremely brave. The wildmen are a fun addition, the whole book I kept thinking why don’t they just form an alliance!? I liked how the author wrote in the interactions between them and the wildmen. Drystan, is Rhia’s older brother and he has a romance going on with Rhia’s lady’s maid of sorts, Wynny, and I would be very interested to see their continuing love bloom as well as Rhia and Emerys, and to see what becomes of their peasant kingdom. I hope there is more to come!

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