Married Blind (King of Screen Book 2) by Morgana Bevan – Review by Jessica Stone

Married Blind (Kings of Screen, #2)Married Blind by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Married Blind (King of Screen Book 2) by Morgana Bevan – Review by Jessica Stone

A wonderfully written contemporary romance, forced proximity, marriage of connivence, this book was a blast to read!

Our FMC Abi, is already working three jobs trying to make it, and afford to pay for the care of her sister, who has cancer. On a whim, she signs up to be choose for a reality tv show, (Married Blind)that has a big payout, the last thing she expects is to be chosen. Now all she has to do is marry a total stranger and fake being in love, easy peasy right, she can get through anything to help her sister.

Fin, our lovely MMC, heartthrob, famous actor, “the next Ryan Reynolds’s” is, well to put it frankly, a playboy. Fin, already having a bumpy imagine, and after being recently caught in a precarious position has one last chance to save his imagine, and his career for that matter. All he has to do is marry a total stranger, fake being in love, and have the whole world watch everything for three months. He’s an actor, this should be no problem for someone with his skill set, right?

This was a fun read, I love forced proximity stories, it definitely ups the angst and tension between the characters and there is absolutely no lack of that in this book. The relationship that forms between our characters is everything I wanted from this book and then some. It’s fun flirty, a little weird at times, but so very wholesome, it definitely made my heart beat a little faster.
This is a standalone in the series and the first that I’ve read from this author but I’m excited to read more from her.

Married Blind, King of Screens Series, Morgana Bevan, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Contemporary Romance, Romance, Jessica Stone, December 2022

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