Operation Blackbird (Brass Compass Series Book 2) by Ellen Butler – Review by Jana Lewis

Operation BlackbirdOperation Blackbird by Ellen Butler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Though not one who typically gets into Cold War-era stories, I found this one to be wonderful. It is full of twists and turns, tension, unknown as to who can be trusted and who people really are. I found the characters realistic and the pacing was spot-on. I enjoyed the connection to The Brass Compass, but am glad that the author selected another character to focus on, and that she still connected the two novels together. It is a good way to show how lives diverge when the immediate need for spy services is not as critical. The times and the work were dangerous and the author did a great job of expressing that. If you like historical fiction, spy stories, strong-willed heroines, but still want it to feel real, this is your book!

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